In recent research carried out with the Craft Guild of Chefs, overall results have shown that 9 out of 10 chefs prefer Schwartz!
Blind tests were carried out using three Schwartz products* compared alongside three like-for-like products from a leading brand and were tested three ways; dry from the jar, in boiling water and in a recipe.
In each task, the chefs were required to compare visual appeal, aroma and flavour, and were then asked which they preferred. Overall results showed that not only did 9 out of 10 chefs favour the Schwartz products; they also agreed that those products delivered more flavour, and in the case of Blackened Cajun Seasoning, all of the chefs agreed that in recipe, it was their preferred choice as it definitely imparted more flavour.
“Schwartz Blackened Cajun Seasoning… has a wonderfully natural taste and appearance and delivers bags of flavour in cooking… has a lovely colour and texture and looks better on cooked chicken than other spices… is brilliant and spicy with a hint of fennel”
Warren Wells, Commercial Director, McCormick UK Foodservice Division; “We have always known that the Schwartz range of herbs, spices and seasonings deliver more flavourand to have this verified independently by leading chefs is remarkable. What it actually means though is that our products not only deliver more flavour, but in doing so, they offer chefs more choice, more quality and in the end, more profit.”
McCormick is so confident that chefs will like any of its Schwartz products that it is offering a money back guarantee** to encourage you to try them out. Go to www.mccormickflavoursolutions.co.uk to find out more, apply for free seasoning samples and while you are there and if you agree that Schwartz gives you more, you could win an iPad!
*Mixed Herbs, Cinnamon Powder and Blackened Cajun Seasoning
**Terms and conditions apply and are available at www.mccormickflavoursolutions.co.uk